Dieser Franxini Boot Camp – Sprint verschafft in einem Tag einen Überblick: Forschende erhalten die Grundlagen zum Schweizer Politsystem und…

Franxini Boot Camp – Sprint
This Franxini Boot Camp – Sprint will provide a compact overview over the Swiss political system. This evening course is exclusive for participants of the Scimpact Programm, of the Franxini Innovation Hub, and for Reatch members. The focus of this course lies on brief and compact information on the two topics «Research and Politics» and «Participating in the Political and Public Discourse».

Free, max. 16 participants
In this intensive evening course, participants will learn the key basics of the Swiss political system in order to understand where and how they can effectively get involved. In particular, participants will learn how to find the right addressees in parliaments and political administrations and how they can effectively interact with politics. They will better understand how to frame their propositions for the political discourse, how to assess the public impact of their statements, and how to protect themselves from instrumentalization.
Participants will
- develop a practical understanding of Swiss politics;
- learn where and how they can get involved in the political process and who the relevant stakeholders are;
- understand their role and the role of politics and can approach political actors with confidence.
Speakers and Topics
Rahel Freiburghaus (Bern University) «The Swiss Political System»
Hannah Schoch (Fraxini/Reatch): «Stakeholders at the Interface between Research and Swiss Politics»
Seraina Campbell (VSS) «Consultation Process of the BFI Botschaft/Message FRI»
Sophie Girardin (Parlamentsdienste): «Field report and tips from the political administration»
Please register via this form.
The maximum number of participants is 16. Since the number is limited, should you not be able to attend, please deregister via e-mail (hannah.schoch@reatch.ch), so someone else can join.
This evening course is exclusive for participants of the Scimpact Programm, of the Franxini Innovation Hub, and for Reatch members.

Das Franxini-Projekt: Wir wollen eine Gesellschaft, in der Akteure aus Wissenschaften und Politik zusammenarbeiten, um gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen effektiv zu bewältigen. Dank dem politischen Engagement von Forschenden aus allen Fachrichtungen tragen wissenschaftlich fundierte Ideen zu effektiven Lösungen bei, von denen die ganze Gesellschaft profitiert. Das Franxini-Projekt ist entstanden auf Initiative der wissenschaftlichen Ideenschmiede «Reatch! Research. Think. Change.» und wird unterstützt von der Stiftung Mercator, der Gebert Rüf Stiftung, der Universität Zürich, dem ETH Rat, der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz und weiteren Partnern.

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