
Grüninger, Servan Luciano


Social decisions must be made in a democratic way - taking into account the facts of science, the law of the state and the values ​​of society. The sciences are therefore a necessary but not a sufficient basis for social decisions.

I want a policy that distinguishes between political goals and the measures taken to achieve those goals. If we want political measures to achieve what they promise, then we need the sciences and their facts as a guide. The goals themselves are not determined exclusively by the sciences, but by all of us.

I am convinced that stable democracies depend on critical and self-confident traditional parties and I tend to view parties in the political poles more critically than those in the political center. I fundamentally distrust organizations that reject democratic or constitutional principles.

My goal is to make reatch superfluous. Out of the ivory tower and into the political arena is my motto. I make a strict distinction between political attitudes and academic work - with regard to my academic work, political views must definitely be subordinate.

Ideal and financial connections

You can find explanations of the terminology and the transparency criteria here. Some additional comments on my memberships and vested interests:

  1. The level of detail in this list corresponds to the level of detail required by all board members of reatch (see here). For a more detailed list, please visit my personal website:
  2. I have made every effort to provide a complete list of my past and current memberships, occupations, and interests. If I have overlooked something, please let me know, ideally by email.
  3. You have every right to consider my interests and connections when assessing my positions (that's why I am disclosing them). Conversely, I can also expect that you will criticize the content of (scientific) arguments or information that I present and with which you do not agree, and not with a blanket reference to the motives you suspect on my part.
  4. All of the declarations below are voluntary and unilateral. I have not asked permission from the other parties involved.
  5. I will become a member of an organization if I share a majority of its basic values ​​and find that they are worthy of support. However, this does not mean that I uncritically endorse all content of the organizations listed below, nor does it mean that I accept instructions of any kind.
  6. I only enter into an obligation with a managerial function if I have the opportunity to help determine the direction and values ​​of the organization and thus also to take responsibility for them.
  7. In general, membership (whether in a managerial position or not) is an expression of support for the goals of the organization while at the same time being obliged to criticize the content harshly if principles of scientific or argumentative honesty are violated.

Qualifications and skills

"Statisticians are second-class mathematicians, third-class scientists and fourth-class thinkers." (Stephen Senn)

I have a bachelor's degree in biology with minor subjects in neuroinformatics, law and political science, and a master's degree in biostatistics from the University of Zurich. I am currently completing my second master's degree in Computational Science & Engineering at EPFL in Lausanne.

In my scientific work I deal with the statistical evidence of scientific studies, the reproducibility of animal experiments and the applications of machine learning. I write a lot, like to moderate and often discussed - sometimes all at the same time.

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